Membership benefits
Application for membership of SRCA 2024:
Non Student: 100 €
Student: 50 € (a student membership rate is available for those of you who are registered in full time education)
As an SRCA member, you will receive a range of benefits including:
- Electronic access to the journal THE CEREBELLUM, enabling you to keep track of the latest scientific research. The CEREBELLUM is the official journal of the SRCA and one of the most highly rated journals in the field of Cerebellum.
- Receive an official certificate of membership
- Are listed in the SRCA Directory
- Receive full information about SRCA events
- Are entitled to participate in SRCA congresses at lower registration fee for members.
- Access to our trimestrial Newsletter
Individual Membership
Acceptance is decided by the Secretary General or the Adjunct-Secretary
Payments of membership fees can only be done by Bank transfer, and this to minimize the costs involved for the association.
To become an SRCA member, please use the following link: MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL
We request that members forward any change of address. This will ensure that your membership status remains active and that you receive pertinent mailings and communications. We hope that you take the time to provide this information for our records.
Each submitted application will be analysed by the board members for approval. When accepted, you will receive an email inviting you to pay the annual membership fee.
When the payment is received, you will receive a notification as proof of payment.
Please note that membership at the SRCA runs on a yearly calendar basis (from September to August).
For any questions about your membership, please contact us by email at srca@semico.be